Notepad++ python script shortcut
Notepad++ python script shortcut

This script will also work if the tags file simply contains one word per line. It will show a typical Notepad++/Scintilla autocompletion list, but based on the content of the tags file in the current file directory. You can for example bound this script to CTRL+SHIFT+C in Settings > Shortcut Mapper > Plugins Commands > Run Previous Script. exists ( ctags_filepath ): with open ( ctags_filepath ) as ctags_file : ctags = set ( line. Once installed, the following short code snippet is enough to parse a Ctags file and trigger the editor autocompletion: Then I discovered Dave Brotherstone awesome PythonScript plugin for Notepad++. None really blended with Notepad++ native autocompletion as well as I wanted. I tried all Notepad++ plugins that provide support for Ctags,Īnd while some work fine ( CCompletion Ctags parser however is a bit picky / limited), Vim natively supports Ctags, however Notepad++ does not. These tags allow definitions to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility.įirst off, I wrote a simple Pelican plugin to generateĪ file containing all articles tags and following the Ctags format spec. I found out an easy solution that works for both: using a Ctags file.Ĭtags is a programming tool that generates an index (or tag) file of names found in source and header files of various programming languages. I noted one thing that I missed from Ghost: tags autocompletion, to help reusing tags I already defined in other articles.īecause nowadays I mostly use Notepad++ or vim to write my blog posts, Because nowadays I mostly use Notepad++ or vim to write my blog posts, I found out an easy solution that works for …

notepad++ python script shortcut

When I migrated this blog to Pelican, I noted one thing that I missed from Ghost: tags autocompletion, to help reusing tags I already defined in other articles. Customizing Notepad++ autocompletion with Python

Notepad++ python script shortcut